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Your Voice Counts Together for 30!

Get together with others to take on our 30 mile fundraising challenge to celebrate our 30th anniversary in September.

You can walk, run, cycle, or move your way. You can ask people to sponsor you to do a mile a day, 30 miles over a week or month or all your miles in just one day!

To celebrate all we have done over the last 30 years to get thousands of people better connected, we are also encouraging you to take on the challenge with someone else. This can be a friend, co-worker, family member, or neighbour. You can do the challenge in pairs or in groups. Community groups, clubs and staff teams can all sign-up as well.

If you can’t take part in the challenge yourself, you can nominate someone else to do it on your behalf.

All funds raised will go towards helping Your Voice Counts support more vulnerable people to be better connected, to have choice and control, and to have a voice about what matters to them.

  • £5 will pay for a volunteer to support an isolated person with a learning disability to travel to and take part in a community activity

  • £10 will hire a community room for one hour to host a drop-in for people with learning disabilities

  • £15 will pay for a specialist caseworker to give an hour’s support to a person with learning disabilities or mental health concerns facing destitution

  • £25 will pay for an advocate to carry out an introductory meeting with a vulnerable person experiencing a mental health crisis

Sign up now at or download a sponsorship form using the link below:

Thank you and good luck! Let us know how you get on by tagging #YVC30 on social media.


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