Other sources of help and support
We are lucky to work across the North East where there is a wealth of other organisations and services that provide advice, support and guidance to people who live in our region. We work in partnership with many of these organisations on a number of our projects and are pleased to signpost the people we support to them for additional help when needed.
Age UK Gateshead - support for older people, their families and carers in Gateshead and Newcastle
Gateshead Carers - support for unpaid adult carers in Gateshead
Gateshead Clubhouse - peer support for people with lived experience of mental health issues
Gateshead Older People's Assembly - opportunities for people over 50 to socialise, exercise and learn
Gateshead Safeguarding Adults Board - protecting adults with support and care needs, including how to report a cause for concern
Healthwatch Gateshead - ensuring people's feedback on health and social care services in Gateshead is heard and acted upon
Let's Talk About Dementia - advice and support for people with dementia in Gateshead
Our Gateshead - online directory of events and services that support Gateshead communities
Speaking Up Together - self-advocacy organisation for people with learning disabilities in Gatehead and South Tyneside
St Chads Community Project - childcare and family support
Vision & Hearing Support - support for people with visual impairment and who are Deaf or hard of hearing in Gateshead and South Tyneside
Age UK Gateshead - support for older people, their families and carers in Gateshead and Newcastle
Better Days - self-advocacy organisation for people with learning disabilities in Newcastle
Caring Hands - advice, advocacy and practical help for older people
Chain Reaction - partnership of organisations working to ensure older people receive person-centred support and are connected to their communities and other sources of support
Dementia Support Newcastle - information and practical guidance to help people living with dementia
East End Women - therapeutic and skills sessions for women and children in the East of Newcastle
Healthwatch Newcastle - ensuring people's feedback on health and social care services in Gateshead is heard and acted upon
Information Now - information website for people living and working in Newcastle that signposts to local organisations, services and events
Newcastle Carers - support for adults, children and young people who care for someone living in Newcastle
Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board - protecting adults with support and care needs, including how to report a cause for concern
Nunsmoor Centre Trust - inclusive leisure and recreation facilities for young people and families
Skills for People - support and opportunities to connect for people with learning disabilities in Newcastle
West End Women and Girls Centre - support, information, advice and advocacy for women and girls
South Tyneside
Age Concern Tyneside South - services and activities for older people in South Tyneside
Autism Able - wellbeing, employment and life-long learning centre for people with ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition)
Bliss=Ability - support and activities for people with a disability in South Tyneside
Inspire South Tyneside - information, advice and support for voluntary and community organisations in South Tyneside
Healthwatch South Tyneside - ensuring people's feedback on health and social care services in South Tyneside is heard and acted upon
Speaking Up Together - self-advocacy organisation for people with learning disabilities in Gatehead and South Tyneside
Vision & Hearing Support - support for people with visual impairment and who are Deaf or hard of hearing in Gateshead and South Tyneside
WHIST (Women's Health in South Tyneside) - health and wellbeing support for women living in South Tyneside