Your Voice Counts Advocacy Services
Make a referral
To make a referral to our service, please download the referral form you need below then email your completed form back to us at at
You can also contact us for advice or to discuss a referral by emailing or calling 0191 478 6472 (freephone 0800 048 7856). For more information about the different types of advocacy we provide, please visit Advocacy | yourvoicecounts (
Statutory advocacy referral form (Care Act Advocacy, Independent Mental Capacity Act Advocacy, Independent Mental Health Advocacy)
General non-statutory advocacy referral form: this service is for residents of South Tyneside only. Referrals can be made by professionals with the individual's permission or by individuals who want to refer themselves. General advocacy focuses on specific issues, and the case will be closed once the issue is resolved as much as possible.
NHS Independent Complaints Advocacy
Spot purchase requests from local authorities
Advocacy for people with learning disabilities