Help to manage your money
​Are you struggling to understand your finances?
Do you need help to manage your money?
Our Financial Health team is here to help.
We work with people with learning disabilities and autistic people who live in
Gateshead or South Tyneside and need help to manage their money or deal with
financial issues.
​How can we help you?
We provide 121 support and group sessions to help you develop your skills, confidence and understanding around money. We can also help you find training or get support from other services if this is what you need.
Banking – we can help you set up online banking and understand bank processes.
Benefits – we can help you with benefit applications, appeals and reviews and support you with appointments, assessments or phone calls.
Bills and letters – we can help you understand bills and letters, set up Direct Debits and standing orders and understand and manage which companies provide services to you.
Budgeting – we can help you develop your money skills and learn how to budget and plan.
Debt – we can support you if you have debts and help you understand more about borrowing.
Choice and control and financial abuse – we can help you learn more about scams, family difficulties and mate crime so you have the skills and confidence to say no when you need to.
Contact us
If you think you need some extra help to manage your money, please get in touch to find out how we can help. Call us on 0191 478 6472 or make a referral to our team by visiting How can I get involved? | yourvoicecounts (
Thank you to our funders The Henry Smith Charity, Gateshead Council and Leeds Community Foundation for supporting this work.
How our service has helped people