Your Voice Counts Advocacy Services
Care Act Advocacy
Information for people being supported by an advocate
Visit our Resources page for factsheets about Care Act Advocacy.
Information for professionals
Who is Care Act Advocacy for?
A Care Act advocate can work with people who need support to understand or express their views about a decision or review related to the Care Act 2014. We support people to understand their rights under the Care Act and be fully involved in processes such as:
a local authority assessment
a care review
care and support planning
a safeguarding process
a carer’s assessment.
We can work with people to explain what is happening and ensure their rights are upheld and their wishes taken into account.
What areas does the service cover?
Our commissioned service covers Newcastle, Gateshead and South Tyneside.
We can provide Care Act Advocacy for any eligible person whose social care is provided by Newcastle, Gateshead or South Tyneside local authority.
We can also provide Care Act Advocacy when these local authorities are carrying out safeguarding enquiries or processes for an adult believed to be at risk of abuse or neglect.
We can potentially provide Care Act Advocacy in other local authority areas on a spot purchase basis.
Who can refer and how?
In line with the Care Act 2014, referrals will only be accepted from the local authority or NHS.
We can accept Care Act referrals from other local authorities if funded to do so and if there is capacity in the service (click here for more information about spot contract arrangements).
We cannot accept self-referrals, or referrals from other organisations, so we advise people who feel they are eligible for Care Act Advocacy support to contact their social worker or social services to make a request if appropriate.
How can I make a referral?
Referrals to this service can only be made by the local authority so please contact them to discuss a referral.
For more information or advice about a referral, please contact us.