Job opportunity for people with learning disabilities from South Tyneside
Your Voice Counts has an exciting opportunity for people with learning disabilities in South Tyneside to work with us on a new project about personal budgets.
Personal budgets give people more choice and control over the care and support they get. We are looking for 3 people with learning disabilities from South Tyneside to become personal budget Champions. The job will involve talking to people with learning disabilities and their families, and working with health and social care professionals to help people in South Tyneside understand personal budgets better, and to see how personal budgets can help people with learning disabilities do more of the things they want to do.
This is a paid job for about 6 hours a week. We are looking for people with learning disabilities aged 18 and over who live in South Tyneside and who have experience of using health and social care services.
To help us find the right people for the job, we are holding a recruitment day on the 24th August at Ocean Road Community Centre. The event starts at 10 and finishes at 2. Anyone interested will need to come for the whole day and must book a place by phoning Alex on 0191 478 64 72.