Gateshead People
Self-advocacy group
Gateshead People is a self-advocacy group run by people with learning disabilities, for people with learning disabilities.
Self-advocacy means speaking up for yourself and your rights. We make the decisions about what we do and how we do it. We employ two support workers to help us but we are in charge. We are our own bosses!
We stand up for our rights and the rights of all people with learning disabilities.
We try to make things better for people with learning disabilities and make sure that they have a say about the things that affect them and about the decisions that people in power make.
Some of the things we do are:
Make films about what it means to have a learning disability
Work with the council and other decisions makers to make sure they don’t forget about the needs of people with learning disabilities
Run training sessions about what it means to have a learning disability
Meet up together regularly to plan what we want to do.
Involvement Now is a team of people with learning disabilities working in Gateshead. We meet up and talk to other people with learning disabilities about what they want and what is most important to them.
We go to big meetings like Learning Disability Partnership Board at Gateshead Council, so that people who make decisions about the lives of people with learning disabilities know what we want and how we feel.
We train students and professionals on learning disability awareness and our rights.
If you’d like to find out more you can speak to our support workers Terri or Joanne on 0191 4786472
You can write to us at:
Gateshead People
c/o Your Voice Counts
Unit 12 Interchange Centre
West Street
Our Facebook page is