Welcome to our new Admin and IT Worker!
Your Voice Counts is happy to welcome our new Admin and IT Worker Patrick Bromley. Patrick is a welcome addition to admin team and will...
Welcome to the new Involvement Worker in South Tyneside
Allison Chalmers is the new Involvement Worker in South Tyneside. Her job is to support the involvement group "Equal People".
Learning Disability Week 2017
This year Learning Disability Week is the 19th - 25th June. We wanted to let you know about some of the events that are taking place in...
Picnic in the park!
Hi everyone, its learning disability week and we just wanted to let you know that Gateshead People and the Involvement Now Team are...
Our Chair grills the Election Candidates!
Lisa Kelly joined The Twisting Ducks in interviewing interview 3 local candidates up for the next general election. They also have a...